So it's 20th May 2015 - exactly one one year until my wedding day.
I have a feeling these 12 months are going to fly by! I love planning and organising so I'm in my element now - in fact everything is pretty much sorted. If it isn't booked already we know what we are buying nearer the time. There are just two things stumping me at the moment - the dress and the honeymoon.
Searching for the dress - "the one" - is tricky because I want something boho and quite relaxed rather than an over the top princess dress.Turns out not many bridal shops cater to boho brides like me without trying to charge out of the arse for a bridal dress which is more casual!
And where do I start with the honeymoon? We really can't decide where to go. I want to do it all, I have a serious case of wanderlust at the moment. But we did get engaged in Fiji, so we have to top that! I want to do something really special, have one last adventure before we will have too many commitments to just go and explore when we fancy it. So a once-in-a-lifetime trip is on the cards - an African safari or South East Asian escapade. But how will I ever decide?! I need your help please.
To be honest I'd much rather spend more on the honeymoon than the wedding itself. After all, the wedding is just one day and you're investing in everyone else having a good time - the honeymoon is just the two of you, as it's going to be for the rest of your life.
So - suggestions, please? J x