A motivational quote!
I don't usually do autobiographical posts, but I feel at a dead end recently and have a feeling many people are with me. So I am spending my morning wallowing, wondering why it is that everything I try to achieve, every job or audition I attend always comes back with the same answer. I'm always the understudy, I was just "pipped to the post", I've made the reserve list. I wish someone could pinpoint what I'm doing wrong, but they never can - everyone else is just somehow better.
So a friend advised me to read a sort of 'self help' book - which I admit I had reservations about. It's called The Success Principles by Jack Canfield, and some of the stories and quotes in there really have kept me going. Here's mine for today:
"No" is a word on your path to "Yes." Don't give up too soon. Not even if well-meaning parents, relatives, friends and colleagues tell you to get "a real job." Your dreams are your real job.
-Joyce Spizer
[Coincidentally, whilst writing this I got a call for an interview. No doubt I'll still be reading a bit of Jack when they decide to reject me and say I'm next in line if another position comes up.]